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Meet Paul Walshe, Fair Go Finance's Managing Director

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At Fair Go Finance we understand people like to do business with people they trust, which is exactly what we like to do too.

That’s why we’re lucky here, because our CEO, Paul Walshe, is passionate about dedicating his time to our customers and us, ensuring lasting trust.

We think that’s far better than any temporary attention a celebrity or mascot can ever provide to a business!

So, we thought it would be great for everyone to get to know Paul even more, and what better way than to ask some of our customers what they’d like to know!

Here’s episode 1 of “Meet Paul Walshe”, where he answers some very interesting questions posed by a number of our valued customers.

What is your favourite holiday destination?

Anywhere with my family as I never get enough time with them. Our most recent trip was for 1 week on Rottnest Island.

Do you have a mantra that you live by?

Education unlocks life!

Why did you decide to get into the personal loan business?

I like helping people, I like numbers and I didn’t like what was being offered to people at the time (i.e. 2004).

Do you think there is a lack of employment confidence in Australia?

I would love to know the broader perception of this in Australia. I see trends coming through the Australian economy, and given we are moving towards more casual work than stable full time work, (#gigeconomy) I do feel Aussie’s employment confidence is starting to decline.

What makes Fair Go Finance loans different from other lenders?

The ability to get great service with our products as well as the extra information we give to our customers, such as providing them with a free copy of their credit report with every application – whether approved or declined.

What’s the best tip you would give to someone who struggles to budget and repay their loans on time?

Don’t take another loan.

And finally….

If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?

A carrot! It was the first vegetable that came to my mind. I think it might be because I like their bright colour and that you can eat them without the need to cook!

We hope you’ve enjoyed meeting and learning more about Paul.