Whether you go forward with us, or we refer you to one our referral partners, our aim is to provide you with the best funding opportunity, so that your immediate loan needs can be met, and you can go forward financially.
And on this occasion, your referred outcome was based on you falling outside of our lending criteria.
What do we mean by saying outside of lending criteria?
Lending criteria refers to the assessment tools and lending rules that we use to assess a loan application.
We consider affordability, bank account conduct and credit history, however there are others such as:
The applicants credit score is below our minimum score range
The applicant does not have a permanent address that can be verified or lives at a caravan site
The documentation provided by the applicant cannot be adequately verified
The applicant currently has a Fair Go Finance loan that has less than 5 months repayment history.
And based on this lending criteria, we have determined that your best funding opportunity will be through one of our referral partners.
What next?
To apply with one of our referral partners, .
What can you do to improve your loan chances?
For essential tips, please read our blog that outlines what you can do next to improve your situation.
Thank you for applying with us and we hope our referral helps you to move forward.
Fair Go Finance